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Fishing Soft Plastics

  • 4 min read

If you frequent our website, you might’ve recently read our article on rigging soft plastics. We’ve since received many questions from our fans asking “Ok, so I rigged correctly. How do I fish them?”. One key emphasis of our previous article on rigging was making sure that it is done correctly–preserving the natural movement of… Read More »Fishing Soft Plastics

Rigging Soft Plastics

  • 6 min read

If you’ve ever walked down the fishing aisle at a sporting store, you’ve realized there are literally hundreds (if not thousands) of different types of artificial baits out there. And if you are relatively new into fishing, you may find yourself scratching your head and wondering “How do I put a hook in that?” or… Read More »Rigging Soft Plastics

Spinning or Baitcaster

  • 7 min read

What works best in Lake Wallenpaupack? The Wally BITES team has spent three years fishing Lake Wallenpaupack.  When compared with most guides and folks that have lived in the area for decades, it’s a drop in the bucket as they say.   This isn’t about our way or their way, it’s about trying to help share… Read More »Spinning or Baitcaster

Life Cycles of Wallenpaupack Fish

  • 8 min read

As I sit in my home along the shoreline of Lake Wallenpaupack, the winds are howling and there are white caps out in Martin’s Cove.   Don’t ask me why, but I started to think about how long it takes for a fish to reach adulthood here in Lake Wallenpaupack.    For starters, is it even… Read More »Life Cycles of Wallenpaupack Fish

Wally BITES on WNEP16

  • 1 min read

We were recently featured in a news article about the recent decision made by the PA Governor — lifting restrictions on certain outdoor recreational activities starting Friday May 1st. Specifically, guided fishing trips. The full article with video can be viewed here. Also highlighted was Mike Salamon, one of our partnered fishing guides who we… Read More »Wally BITES on WNEP16

What’s Hiding Beneath the Surface

  • 4 min read

We recently reached out to the Tafton Dive Team via Facebook (go Like their page) and asked them to share some underwater sonar images with us. These images can help give us anglers some insight into what lurks beneath the surface. Using side-scan sonar, the Tafton Dive Team is able to survey the lake to… Read More »What’s Hiding Beneath the Surface

All About Porcupine Cribs

  • 5 min read

By design, most of the man-made Lakes and Reservoirs in Pennsylvania were constructed with little, if any, regard to fish or fish requirements or habitats. Prior to flooding, the beds were cleared of trees and brush. This created a barren and featureless environment for fish and anglers alike. Although the hope was that abundant and… Read More »All About Porcupine Cribs

Trout Stocking and COVID-19

  • 3 min read

With everything going on at the moment related to COVID-19, the PA Fish and Boat Commission have announced some changes to the 2020 trout stocking program. This year, the PFBC will operate under a consolidated statewide schedule for all counties. Under this revised plan, statewide opening day of Trout season is April 7th. One key… Read More »Trout Stocking and COVID-19

Striped Bass: Minimizing Mortality

  • 5 min read

5 SIMPLE WAYS YOU CAN MAXIMIZE THE CHANCE OF SURVIVAL As we head into prime time Striper fishing at Lake Wallenpaupack, we wanted to share some ways our local anglers can help reduce the chance of Striper mortality by covering some best practices for proper catch and release. While the concept of “catch and release”… Read More »Striped Bass: Minimizing Mortality