When wanting to lean more towards life doesn’t always win out……
If you follow us through our site, you’ve probably noticed that we haven’t been crazy active. Please know, appearances and perception aren’t always reality.
Since April 2019 we’ve named our site, created a logo, built the website, launched a social media campaign, ordered merchandise, got a freaking flag, been contacted by strangers who’ve seen our stuff, accepted advertising, launched a weekly award competition, will eventually name a grand prize winner at the end of 2019, created a significant amount of content which has been added to our library, attempted to find time for our careers, family first summer and a very sporadic fishing season.

Both Trevor and I travel, have full time jobs and manage a family. His family is a little larger than my family by (2) children. So he’s got 4 and I’ve got two. Through the summer months we have what seems like 80 million things going on, including goals our families set for trips, fun and quality time. That doesn’t allow for much fishing at this stage of our life, something we both love and enjoy. Trying to find or make time isn’t always easy.
I’ve probably spent way more time on the lake, if you are here often you know how hectic that can be, we are still learning how to relax. Right now it’s about packing up an all day food supply as our children eat everything in sight when on the boat, beverages for adults, towels, tubes, slides, kayaks, ropes and like 14 other things. One day I’ll have to share a picture of what our boat looks like when going out for the day. Think pool supply store in May. It’s embarrassing and I’ve even heard folks hooting and hollering.
Now that the children are back in school (September) and fall is upon us, both families are heavily involved in the fall sporting routine. Mr. Trev has two boys playing ice hockey!!!!! and his eldest is playing along with my daughter on the QSC Travel Soccer team. Weekends are crushed but we do have a quick trip planned this month. I’m actually hoping to get out two more times before the docks and boat are removed.
We had one other quick trip planned recently on a weekday. I can’t even begin to explain how happy we were to get out on the water for a few hours. When I tell you we got into a school of bigs ones, haha…
We must have caught 2700 rock bass that night, thinking we should have been using them for bait. In our defense, we did miss a big monster around 2:00am. We still had fun and laughed all night out on the water.
We’ve had other success stories from the past few years. Pretty confident in our ability to catch Smallies and Large, boy are they fun. Few folks that are serious about fishing want to go out and catch “little” fish. They want to go out and catch the lake monsters that do exist in the waters of Lake Wallenpaupack. I don’t really care, I just enjoy catching anything that bites my line.

Neither Trevor or myself have caught the fish of 10,000 casts yet. I thought based on where I was fishing that this fish could have been my first one but turns out it was just another toothy chain… I was surprised as I was running 12 pound mono and normally have a lengthy fight before they cut the line. Happy to get this guy on the boat and release. We do believe in catch & release here @WallyBITES.

I’ve already started the process of thinking about 2020. Not only Wally BITES ideas but all the crap I have to do to keep our home in tip-top shape. I’m thinking we need a tri-axle of stone, a pathway to the water and of course the deck and stairs will most likely need staining again, ugh. I dislike “hate” painting and/or staining. Somewhere in-between I’d like to try some ice-fishing in the winter. It’s been almost 30 years since I was ice fishing. We drove our old Jeep Cherokee right out onto the ice. I was so scared, I remember there were other cars and trucks further out so I felt better about that….thinking I’ll walk out onto the ice this time.
We hope you continue to follow us. Check us out on Facebook, Twitter, Insta, etc….Share your pictures with us! Comments & ideas are always appreciated. Have a amazing Fall season, we’ll try and post a bit more these next couple weeks. Good luck with all you do and keep those lines out in the water!