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The Fish of 10,000 Casts

  • 10 min read

Should You Be Afraid to Try? No! Seriously, how elusive is this fish? I think the reputation certainly holds true but I do believe as we learn more about this fish and it’s habits the easier they’ve become to catch. As a general rule, it doesn’t take 10,000 casts to catch one if you follow certain… Read More »The Fish of 10,000 Casts

Can You Spot the Difference?

  • 4 min read

Differences between Striped Bass and Hybrid Striped Bass Can you tell the difference between a striped bass and a hybrid striped bass? What is a Hybrid? Hybrid striped bass (also known as a wiper or whiterock bass) is a hatchery-created hybrid between the pure striped bass and the white bass. As seen in the image… Read More »Can You Spot the Difference?

Screaming Drag, Oh Boy!

  • 7 min read

Another Fun Adventure Out on Lake Wallenpaupack with my Fishing Buddy! A few weeks back we played hooky from work & family.  It was a quick trip filled with high expectations as we realized this was most likely going to be our last 2019 fishing trip on the big Ole Pontoon – The Blue LaGoose.… Read More »Screaming Drag, Oh Boy!

Work/Life Balance:

  • 6 min read

When wanting to lean more towards life doesn’t always win out…… If you follow us through our site, you’ve probably noticed that we haven’t been crazy active. Please know, appearances and perception aren’t always reality. Since April 2019 we’ve named our site, created a logo, built the website, launched a social media campaign, ordered merchandise,… Read More »Work/Life Balance:

Will Hazimof & Lake Monsters

  • 8 min read

Lake Wallenpaupack Fishing Legend in the Making! There are plenty of consistent fishermen around the lake, most of them will charge you to have a great trip.  There is nothing wrong with that either; it takes decades if not years to learn how to consistently catch big fish on this lake.  We’ve all seen the… Read More »Will Hazimof & Lake Monsters

Keeping Alewife Alive

  • 7 min read

The hardest part of successful bait fishing at Lake Wallenpaupack is catching alewife and keeping them alive and active. The actual fishing process is easy; it’s the preparation that is tough. Alewife aren’t easy to catch. Nothing can be more disheartening than spending your valuable fishing time throwing a cast net over and over again… Read More »Keeping Alewife Alive

Summer Sun Equals Fun!

  • 2 min read

Watching my children grow up on the lake gives me great happiness. The more fun they are having the more amazing summer feels. They both have an adventurous side but out on the water there are still certain risks they aren’t willing to take. Good, except when it comes to challenges and trying new things.… Read More »Summer Sun Equals Fun!

Had a Blast With the Yeagle’s

  • 2 min read

A friend and colleague asked me if I could take him, his two son’s and his dad fishing one day. I said, of course without hesitation. This was meant to be a father’s day trip for the three generations of boys. I come to learn that his dad is getting up in age, wasn’t sure… Read More »Had a Blast With the Yeagle’s

Calendar of Events:

  • 2 min read

Lake Wallenpaupack and Surrounding Area Events List: Saturday, June 8th – Arts & Crafts @Bingham Park, Hawley (9am to 4pm) Saturday, June 8th – Bike, Brew & Brunch @ Hawley Silk Mill (9am to 12pm) – (Bicycle Ride) Saturday, June 15th – Roots & Rhythm Music & Arts @ Honesdale Central Park (all day event)… Read More »Calendar of Events: