Results of a Gill Net Survey performed by Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission (PFBC)
Have you been wondering to lately how strong and healthy the game fish population is in Lake Wallenpaupack? On social media groups related to fishing the Pack, this seems to be a common topic that always spins up good (and sometimes controversial) conversation. You may have heard or seen the charts showing how many fingerlings and fry have been stocked over the years. If not, scroll down, we’ll discuss them again. But did you know–the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission (PFBC) regularly surveys the water to help determine stocking rates for upcoming seasons. A recent survey was done and summarized in a biologist report by Daryl Pierce, Area 5 Fisheries Manager (read the full survey here).
Historical Stocking Data
To get a good understanding of the results of the survey, let’s first look at the historical stocking numbers. Sport fish like brown trout, striped bass (pure and hybrid), and walleye are stocked annually by the PFBC. Sadly, the recent survey mentions that hybrid Striped Bass stocking was discontinued in 2022 in an effort to eliminate potential resource competition and ensure integrity of the Atlantic coastal wild Striped Bass population. However, there are still a strong number of pure striped bass and walleye fingerlings being stocked.

Details on the Gill Net Survey
Gill nets were set at different areas within the Lake with varying size netting. Different sizes are used in an attempt to catch different species and fish sizes. For example, a large gill net allows for larger sizes fish to be caught in the squares while a smaller size net is better for bluegill and smaller fish.
A total of 14 nets were deployed throughout the lake ranging on dates from April 5th – 9th in 2021. A total of 457 fish were caught in the nets. 10 of the nets were variable size and 4 of them were 8-in stretch mesh. Nets were left to soak for ~24 hours before they were pulled and studied.

at Wilsonville Campground

at Spinnler Point

These numbers were then analyzed against historical numbers from previous surveys. Similar studies were done in Spring of 2016, 2014, 1998, and 1992. Full comparisons against previous surveys can be found in the complete report.
Size Analysis
Smallmouth Bass ranged from 12” – 20”
Pure Striped Bass ranged from 24” – 34”
Hybrid Striped Bass ranged from 18” – 33”
Walleye ranged from 9” – 28”
Key Takeaways
- Large-sized Striped Bass persist within Lake Wallenpaupack
- Channel Catfish and hybrid Striped Bass were lowest in the 2021 survey
- PFBC finds that Walleye, Striped Bass, and Brown Trout populations continue to be healthy
- Anglers can continue to expect good opportunity to catch trophy sizes fish in Lake Wallenpaupack
- PFBC will continue stocking Brown Trout, Striped Bass, and Walleye status quo (as best as possible) in the years to come
Hopefully this can put an end to some of the speculation circling around out there about our beloved fishery losing it’s game fish population. I have to say, we’ve personally exchanged many correspondence with many officers and managers over at PFBC in an attempt to learn how WallyBITES can help our Lake maintain it’s trophy fish population. Every individual we have spoken with seem very keen on making sure Wallenpaupack continues to be an excellent fishery that houses a healthy population. Yes, some years stocking numbers may be less than others. But rest assured–they know what they are doing over there.
Sending a big thank you to Daryl Pierce, Area 5 Fisheries Manager, for keeping us in the loop as the gill net survey took place and sending us the results once they were published. Click here to read the full survey.
Tight lines! Let’s get ready for an excellent 2022 season!